Look, I never promised that this blog was gonna have any sort of consistency in subject matter. With that being said, here’s a small puzzle that I conceived the other day. I don’t know if it is particularly good or clever, but it did rather amuse me, enough that I wanted to write it down.
I wouldn’t dare claim to have invented it, as such – it’s a combination of a few different concepts and things that I enjoy greatly. But I won’t say too much more, for fear of giving the game away. So, without further ado (though I will likely revisit this in a few days and explain it in a little detail):
The Puzzle of Mazarbul
The letters in this sentence are red.
Two plus two equals four.
JRR Tolkien died on the 2nd of September in 1973.
One of the statements in this puzzle is false, while the others are true.
— To solve the puzzle, deduce which statement is false.

And for those of you who just want the answer and are cowards and don’t want to figure it out…
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