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Month: August 2024

Recording The Lord of the Rings – A Private Project

Over the past few years, I’ve been working slowly (well, in fits and bursts) through a project that I’ve found really enriching and exciting – and, well, as of today it is complete.  I’ve been recording my own readthrough of The Lord of the Rings.  Complete, unabridged, unaided by…well, pretty much anything.  And as of today, I have recorded and edited my very own LOTR. It’s been a project that’s hung over the last few years, and that has frankly been far more work than I ever would have guessed. To say that I’m proud and delighted is, frankly, a…

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Aragorn, Frodo, and the Breaking of the Fellowship

This is a relatively short postscript to my recent post on Aragorn and the self-distance he consistently displays in his identifying with his “Strider” identity.  In researching and preparing that post, I noticed a really small detail that’s previously escaped me.  Right near the beginning of their conversation in the Prancing Pony, Strider offers to the hobbits that he may be able to tell them something to their advantage, and the following exchange takes place: ‘Several things,’ answered Strider. ‘But, of course, I have my price.’ ‘What do you mean?’ asked Frodo sharply. ‘Don’t be alarmed! I mean just this:…

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