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This is a chronological list of all posts published on the blog since its inception in 2020. If you’d rather browse posts according to their theme or subject matter, consider checking out the Index instead.


Eucatastrophe or acatastrophe? Considering the Faerie in ‘Smith of Wootton Major’


The Confession of Mr Scrooge

“…World-dominion by creative act” – On ‘On Fairy Stories’ and role-playing games

The Passing of Joy

Prehistoric Theology: On the Faerie of Dinosaurs and Dragons

The Coming of Bilbo to Rivendell

Notes on ‘The Coming of Bilbo to Rivendell’

Escape to Faerie-land: Tolkien’s Hobbits and Wootton Major

Hobbits, Riders and Ents: Considering Faerie Delight as a Mutual Enrichment

And That Means Comfort – On the Shire as anti-Faerie

Hobbits in the Land of Faerie – The 2024 September Series

Recording The Lord of the Rings – A Private Project

Aragorn, Frodo, and the Breaking of the Fellowship

The Last Dragon – A Short Story

‘Strider shall be your guide’: On Aragorn and Illeism

Falling out of love with fandom: On modern media culture

Impotence, Inauthenticity, and Identity in ‘Hail, Caesar!’

The Fairy in the Machine

‘The knife the least’ : Túrin’s gift and Morgoth’s curse

Announcing The Daily Word of the Rings – A Tolkien Project

The Man that Time Forgot

‘The mighty from their thrones’ – Aragorn before Meduseld


Merry Fellows – on Tom Bombadil and Father Christmas

Sisyphus’ Boulder – On the Faery Irreality of Taskmaster

Pity and the Ring: On Sam and Gandalf’s temptations

An Unexpected Blog of Mazarbul Golden Jubilee Post!

Why The Man with the Golden Gun is the perfect Bond reboot

‘Goblin Feet’ – Sorrow and Loss in Tolkien’s Least Tale

Charles’ Chance

Smith of Wootton Major: An ode to the wonder of wandering

Farmer Giles: Impostor Syndrome in the Little Kingdom

Niggle’s Glimpse: In praise of a silly little artist

Announcing the September Series: Tolkien’s Lesser Tales

Wait what…was Reva’s plan in ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’?

Durin VII, Reincarnation, and the Beautiful Dwarvish Long Defeat

Gwen Stacy & the Hero’s Journey in Across the Spider-Verse

“I (don’t) see you” – Why couldn’t Sauron find the Ring?

Wait what…was Grindelwald doing in the American Ministry for Magic?

Wait what?…is this new blog post series?

Generous deed and cold counsel: Gandalf’s humility in Gondor

Miguel’s family and Earth-67 in Across the Spider-Verse

Blank Pages, Golden Sceptres – Presumption and Power in Art

The Price of Pride and Prejudice in ‘Across the Spider-Verse’

Wait…how exactly does the One Ring make you evil?

‘The work of the hands which thou hast made’ – Of Aulë and Yavanna: Tolkien’s Odd Couple

A Little More is Never Enough – The Joys of Sobriety

Triskaidekaphobia and fortune in ‘The Hobbit’


Faery Joy and Thomistic Elves in ‘Smith of Wootton Major’

A Nice Eucatastrophe: An analysis of ‘The Nice Guys’

The Blog of Mazarbul has moved! (Don’t Panic)

“Pretty fair nonsense” – On Elvish frivolity in ‘The Hobbit’

Thorin’s Dragon

More things in Heaven and Earth: On Faerie, the Unexplained, and the Unexplored of ‘The Hobbit’

Back Again: Reflecting on Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’

The Blog of Mazarbul’s Obligatory Rings of Power Hot Take (That is Probably Wrong)

But is it canon? – Discussing the importance of internal narrative consistency in the Art of story-telling

Naught but wood: A subtextual analysis of the hidden story of Gimli the Dwarf

The Failure of Sam Gamgee

A diversionary solution: Revisiting and analysing my puzzle

The Matrix: Res…Revisions

Dance and the art of Story


A diversionary puzzle

Captains of the West: Some thoughts on Boromir and Éomer

A flawed masterpiece: Why Return of the Jedi is my favourite Star Wars film

Some admin details: Out with the old (email subscription service), in with the new (email subscription service)

“Don’t you wish it could all be real” – Tolkien and subcreation; theology and fiction

Ron Weasley and the Slytherin in the Closet (2/2)

Ron Weasley and the Reworked Characterisation (1/2)

Tangled and the eucatastrophe

Distinction without Difference: A Theory on the Secret Fire and the Flame Imperishable


“The time of my thought is my own to spend” – a tribute to Dáin Ironfoot

Outwit: Outplay: Outlast – Politics in the age of Reality TV

Coronavirus, Protests and Misinformation

On the One Ring’s Sentience

Isildur: Villain, or misunderstood?