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Category: Games

“…World-dominion by creative act” – On ‘On Fairy Stories’ and role-playing games

To the elvish craft, Enchantment, Fantasy aspires…Uncorrupted, it does not seek delusion nor bewitchment and domination; it seeks shared enrichment, partners in making and delight, not slaves. On Fairy Stories, by J.R.R. Tolkien I’m really stuck on On Fairy Stories at the moment.  I mean, if I’m honest, I’ve been thinking about OFS on some level ever since the very first time it truly made an impact on me some years back.  But at the moment, it’s obviously really playing on my mind, because wherever I look, I see some fresh relevance to it in my day to day life…

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Sisyphus’ Boulder – On the Faery Irreality of Taskmaster

A businessman, on his way to an important conference, checks into his hotel.  The businessman is rude, brusque, demanding.  Ungracious and ungrateful, he is ready to make all sorts of imposing and unreasonable demands upon the cozy hotel’s staff. But today, he has met his match.  Over the next half hour, the businessman will be subjected to a wide range of increasingly bizarre indignities, as the hotel staff leer at him through his window.  “Nice legs” one of them coos at him as he hurries away.  Another lurks for him in his room, hidden behind a corner until the businessman…

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