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Category: Personal

Prehistoric Theology: On the Faerie of Dinosaurs and Dragons

It is, at long last, time to fulfil one of the promises of the Blog of Mazarbul. Ever since I started writing this blog, I have held true to my idea that it will mostly be about Tolkien.  I have veered from the course from time to time to touch on broader concepts in fiction or on specific fictional works, or even to touch on games and the arts and theology.  Heck, I’ve even expanded the blog’s scope a little and given myself licence to publish a few short original works of my own on it.  But there is one…

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Recording The Lord of the Rings – A Private Project

Over the past few years, I’ve been working slowly (well, in fits and bursts) through a project that I’ve found really enriching and exciting – and, well, as of today it is complete.  I’ve been recording my own readthrough of The Lord of the Rings.  Complete, unabridged, unaided by…well, pretty much anything.  And as of today, I have recorded and edited my very own LOTR. It’s been a project that’s hung over the last few years, and that has frankly been far more work than I ever would have guessed. To say that I’m proud and delighted is, frankly, a…

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An Unexpected Blog of Mazarbul Golden Jubilee Post!

I’ve always been fond of “significant” numbers, of milestones and notable figures.  I suspect I like them less for any actual achievement that they represent (after all, technically speaking reaching 101 of something is more of an achievement than 100, and yet the latter is disproportionately lauded!) and more for their large round numberiness, but the effect is the same either way.  I like a milestone. For more than a few blog pages, 50 posts wouldn’t necessarily feel like a milestone – that’s just a post a week for a year, with Christmas and Easter off into the bargain.  But…

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A Little More is Never Enough – The Joys of Sobriety

I love alcohol. I’ve loved it for years and years, too. I love a good wine, a tasty beer.  Whisky and rum, too, I love.  And I love the ritual of it, the unwinding after a stressful day, the ritual of opening a bottle and looking forward to relaxing with it, the chance to allow the mind a moment of oblivion.  I love the enjoyment of it, the sensation of it, the feel of it, the moment when it hits your body and you relax just a little bit, because you’re allowing yourself to relax and giving your body the triggers to do…