Anyone who has ever tried to write has likely encountered “blank page syndrome”. The fear, the paralysing uncertainty that accompanies setting that single and dreadful initial word on a page. The first word is always the most time consuming, whether it’s a work email, a poem, a novel, or yes, even that noblest form of the written word – a blog post. There is a wealth of advice online and in self-help books concerning this phenomenon, and how to best it, ranging from the maddeningly simple – “Just write something, and the rest will follow” – to the still simple,…
2 CommentsCategory: Theology
Picture the Elf. Tall, serene, wise, beautiful. More graceful, more artistic, possessed of knowledge beyond our ken and in communion with nature and the world..
Leave a Comment“Don’t you wish it could all be real” – Tolkien and subcreation; theology and fiction
Published September 19, 2021 by Alexander
I was chatting to a friend of mine yesterday, when she asked me a disarmingly childlike, simple question. A question that desired no philosophical or detailed…