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Tag: analysis

Why The Man with the Golden Gun is the perfect Bond reboot

The Man with the Golden Gun is not a great Bond film. Indeed, it isn’t even a particularly good film.  It’s by no means the worst Bond film ever made (I can think of three or four that I loathe much more off the top of my head), but it’s either the best of the bad Bond films, or the worst of the mediocre entries. Yet, I think it’s the Bond film we need right now.  It might not be the best Bond film ever made, but I think that The Man with the Golden Gun is the best Bond…

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‘Goblin Feet’ – Sorrow and Loss in Tolkien’s Least Tale

Having dealt with Tolkien’s Lesser Tales over the last month, there was really only one piece of Tolkien’s fiction that we could possibly turn to as a postscript to this series – what may very well be the Least Tale of Tolkien, as it were. Mention ‘Goblin Feet’ to a Tolkien lover, and you’ll get one of two reactions.  The first (and much more common) is likely bafflement, a “huh?” and subsequent inquiry as to whether this is some sort of evidence about the origin of Orcs?  The rarer, and desired, reaction, is a wry chuckle and a raise of…

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Farmer Giles: Impostor Syndrome in the Little Kingdom

Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers. J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter 52 to Christopher Tolkien It is not difficult, I think, to see Farmer Giles of Ham as being at least somewhat representative of Tolkien’s idealised monarch.  By all accounts, Giles is a perfectly decent ruler – the Little Kingdom grows and thrives under his reign.  He treats his friends and allies generously, and his enemies (chiefly the…

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Niggle’s Glimpse: In praise of a silly little artist

Niggle was a painter.  Not a very successful one… Of all Tolkien’s works, arguably none of them lend themselves so readily to analysis as Leaf by Niggle.  The allegory by the man who claimed to hate allegory.  A touchingly close examination of a character who may be as close as Tolkien ever came to writing a self-insert.  Even, arguably, Tolkien’s most religious and theological work (of his fictional tales, that is…On Fairy Stories is, of course, Tolkien’s theological triumph). As such, Leaf by Niggle is probably the Lesser Tale in least need of yet another analysis, especially one by a…

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Durin VII, Reincarnation, and the Beautiful Dwarvish Long Defeat

I was flicking through the Appendices of LOTR the other day, on an unrelated mission, when something really curious caught my eye in the Dwarvish genealogy tree.  It’s a really small detail, almost insignificant – but the more I thought about it, the more it intrigued me, and the more intrigued I became, the more I realised that it’s actually a whole lot of details all packaged up in a single detail. Namely, Durin VII.  When was he born?  When did he reign?  And, perhaps most pressingly, how did he obtain that epithet? From the perspective of Tolkien as author,…

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