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Tag: comedy

Impotence, Inauthenticity, and Identity in ‘Hail, Caesar!’

It’s somewhat surprising that, of my nebulous top ten-ish favourite films, there are two that both came out in 2016, are both decidedly off-kilter and odd in their own ways, and are both ‘cult’ films to an extent – beloved by their fans, but little-known beyond those circles.  We’ve discussed The Nice Guys on this site before, and today it’s time to turn to what is (in the Blog of Mazarbul’s household) its improbable companion piece – certainly, these two movies have been rewatched more than any other by my wife and I! So, today, I figured I’d write up…

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Sisyphus’ Boulder – On the Faery Irreality of Taskmaster

A businessman, on his way to an important conference, checks into his hotel.  The businessman is rude, brusque, demanding.  Ungracious and ungrateful, he is ready to make all sorts of imposing and unreasonable demands upon the cozy hotel’s staff. But today, he has met his match.  Over the next half hour, the businessman will be subjected to a wide range of increasingly bizarre indignities, as the hotel staff leer at him through his window.  “Nice legs” one of them coos at him as he hurries away.  Another lurks for him in his room, hidden behind a corner until the businessman…

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