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Tag: Dwarf

Durin VII, Reincarnation, and the Beautiful Dwarvish Long Defeat

I was flicking through the Appendices of LOTR the other day, on an unrelated mission, when something really curious caught my eye in the Dwarvish genealogy tree.  It’s a really small detail, almost insignificant – but the more I thought about it, the more it intrigued me, and the more intrigued I became, the more I realised that it’s actually a whole lot of details all packaged up in a single detail. Namely, Durin VII.  When was he born?  When did he reign?  And, perhaps most pressingly, how did he obtain that epithet? From the perspective of Tolkien as author,…

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‘The work of the hands which thou hast made’

Of Aulë and Yavanna: Tolkien’s Odd Couple ‘Nonetheless they will have need of wood.’ With that brilliantly offhand one-liner, Aulë and Yavanna cemented their status in the minds of many Tolkien lovers as being Eä’s first and best odd couple.  He, a rash craftsman, master of forge and hammer, lover of stone and gem and that which is imperishable and unchanging.  She, a lover of beasts and plants, the bringer of growth and giver of sustenance, who cherishes all that sprouts and blooms and flowers, all that lives.   Given Tolkien’s interest in the themes of nature and industry, it might…

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Triskaidekaphobia and fortune in ‘The Hobbit’

It’s been a moment between posts, alas, the end of the year’s always a hot mess for me and completely killed the momentum I was slowly building in posting – and I’ve been completely unmotivated to do anything extracurricular at all for quite a while, blog writing included. I did notice a little detail that can be covered relatively quickly, though, and figured that I might as well jot it down and that it might get the creative juices flowing again!  Namely, the detail of Bilbo being chosen (at least in part) to join Thorin’s Company to avoid their number…

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