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Tag: Fantastic Beasts

Wait what…was Grindelwald doing in the American Ministry for Magic?

Wait what?…is an ongoing series on this blog that asks the little and niggling questions that draw you out of a sub-created world. Whether it’s a plot hole, a logical inconsistency, or simply a character acting completely out of turn, if it makes you ask wait, what?…then it’s fair game for this series. This is the ‘wait what?’…moment that inspired this new blog series, and that (despite only having seen the film once, and years ago) still rattles around in my brain, appearing at inconvenient moments to distract me from more pressing matters, just because it’s so damn incongruous to…

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But is it canon? – Discussing the importance of internal narrative consistency in the Art of story-telling

I’ve been thinking a lot about narrative ‘canon’ recently. I’ve also written and rewritten this blog post a couple of times, to try and make sure I…

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