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Tag: Farmer Giles of Ham

‘Goblin Feet’ – Sorrow and Loss in Tolkien’s Least Tale

Having dealt with Tolkien’s Lesser Tales over the last month, there was really only one piece of Tolkien’s fiction that we could possibly turn to as a postscript to this series – what may very well be the Least Tale of Tolkien, as it were. Mention ‘Goblin Feet’ to a Tolkien lover, and you’ll get one of two reactions.  The first (and much more common) is likely bafflement, a “huh?” and subsequent inquiry as to whether this is some sort of evidence about the origin of Orcs?  The rarer, and desired, reaction, is a wry chuckle and a raise of…

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Farmer Giles: Impostor Syndrome in the Little Kingdom

Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers. J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter 52 to Christopher Tolkien It is not difficult, I think, to see Farmer Giles of Ham as being at least somewhat representative of Tolkien’s idealised monarch.  By all accounts, Giles is a perfectly decent ruler – the Little Kingdom grows and thrives under his reign.  He treats his friends and allies generously, and his enemies (chiefly the…

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Announcing the September Series: Tolkien’s Lesser Tales

Last year, for the month of September, I did a little blog miniseries, focusing on The Hobbit and some of its less-appreciated themes and aspects.  And, since I really enjoyed writing those posts, and having a theme to work towards…I decided to do it again this year! So, over the next few weeks, we’re going to be looking at three stories by Tolkien…stories which, actually, aren’t under-appreciated in the same way that The Hobbit is.  But they’re also stories that a lot of Tolkien fans might not pay much attention to, or even know about…and that’s a great shame, because…

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