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Tag: fiction

The Fairy in the Machine

Ah! to think that once we toiled away at our simple lures, cast out into the cold and shunned by wisefolk.  Bereft of trust or love were we then, labouring feebly that we may on occasion entrap some weakminded treat on which to sup.  But you knew our tricks and were wise to them, fleeing fairy promise and guarding yourselves with ancient cautions.  And we were bereft. Peat bogs and darkling woods were then our haunts; dank and miserable places.  Sparkling lights and laughing voices our bait, promise of might and riches our desperate ploy.  And we were cold, and…

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Sisyphus’ Boulder – On the Faery Irreality of Taskmaster

A businessman, on his way to an important conference, checks into his hotel.  The businessman is rude, brusque, demanding.  Ungracious and ungrateful, he is ready to make all sorts of imposing and unreasonable demands upon the cozy hotel’s staff. But today, he has met his match.  Over the next half hour, the businessman will be subjected to a wide range of increasingly bizarre indignities, as the hotel staff leer at him through his window.  “Nice legs” one of them coos at him as he hurries away.  Another lurks for him in his room, hidden behind a corner until the businessman…

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Charles’ Chance

Of all of the extraordinary and beautiful things in the world, none of them had ever happened to Charles Carlton. There was nothing wrong with Charles Carlton, unless it is wrong to never be right. His clothes were smart and never quite fit him, and though their hue and cut perfectly suited him, his own complexion was the wrong colour to suit them. The last time he had had a haircut that he liked was twenty-nine years ago, when his mother had last taken him to the barber. His eyes shone like small puddles, and his voice reminded others of…

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Wait what?…is this new blog post series?

You know those moments in a story that look like they make sense? Maybe it’s a moment that’s swiftly passed over, maybe a character explicitly draws attention to it and offers a half-sensible excuse that doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny, or maybe (and often worst of all) it becomes a crucial point of the story, that everything hinges upon…despite really not making any sort of logical sense. The internet’s favourite rabbit hole, TV Tropes, calls these moments Fridge Logic. Reddit might consider them to be a type of shower thought. But however you think of them, you’ve probably experienced…

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