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Tag: mythology

Sisyphus’ Boulder – On the Faery Irreality of Taskmaster

A businessman, on his way to an important conference, checks into his hotel.  The businessman is rude, brusque, demanding.  Ungracious and ungrateful, he is ready to make all sorts of imposing and unreasonable demands upon the cozy hotel’s staff. But today, he has met his match.  Over the next half hour, the businessman will be subjected to a wide range of increasingly bizarre indignities, as the hotel staff leer at him through his window.  “Nice legs” one of them coos at him as he hurries away.  Another lurks for him in his room, hidden behind a corner until the businessman…

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Announcing the September Series: Tolkien’s Lesser Tales

Last year, for the month of September, I did a little blog miniseries, focusing on The Hobbit and some of its less-appreciated themes and aspects.  And, since I really enjoyed writing those posts, and having a theme to work towards…I decided to do it again this year! So, over the next few weeks, we’re going to be looking at three stories by Tolkien…stories which, actually, aren’t under-appreciated in the same way that The Hobbit is.  But they’re also stories that a lot of Tolkien fans might not pay much attention to, or even know about…and that’s a great shame, because…

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Triskaidekaphobia and fortune in ‘The Hobbit’

It’s been a moment between posts, alas, the end of the year’s always a hot mess for me and completely killed the momentum I was slowly building in posting – and I’ve been completely unmotivated to do anything extracurricular at all for quite a while, blog writing included. I did notice a little detail that can be covered relatively quickly, though, and figured that I might as well jot it down and that it might get the creative juices flowing again!  Namely, the detail of Bilbo being chosen (at least in part) to join Thorin’s Company to avoid their number…

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More things in Heaven and Earth: On Faerie, the Unexplained, and the Unexplored of ‘The Hobbit’

As feats of worldbuilding go, it is hard to go past Tolkien’s Legendarium as the chief and foremost example of the craft. Even those who have a passing…

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