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Tag: Star Wars

Wait what…was Reva’s plan in ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’?

I didn’t much enjoy Disney’s Obi-Wan Kenobi, alas.  I thought there was some good stuff in it…I liked pretty much all the actors and their performances.  I especially thought the interplay between Ewan MacGregor and Hayden Christiansen worked well and both actors really added to the show, and actually really liked Vivien Lyra Blair’s performance as Leia (though the writing for her character was super uneven), and thought that the concept of her and Obi-Wan having shared a prequel adventure together actually held up well. I didn’t think it was terribly distinctive or striking visually, though.  The score was, I…

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Gwen Stacy & The Hero’s Journey In Across The Spider-Verse

Ever since I saw Across the Spider-Verse, I’ve been really interested in the journey that Gwen Stacy undergoes in the film.  I’ve already talked about the hubris of Miles, Miguel, and even the Spot, and how this is a core thematic element of the story – but Gwen’s very much got her own thing going on.  So I figured I’d try and break it down a little here, with the help of one Joseph Campbell and a certain infamous narrative template – but I’m getting ahead of myself. A central plot point of Across the Spider-Verse is the idea of…

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But is it canon? – Discussing the importance of internal narrative consistency in the Art of story-telling

I’ve been thinking a lot about narrative ‘canon’ recently. I’ve also written and rewritten this blog post a couple of times, to try and make sure I…

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