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Tag: sub-creation

The Fairy in the Machine

Ah! to think that once we toiled away at our simple lures, cast out into the cold and shunned by wisefolk.  Bereft of trust or love were we then, labouring feebly that we may on occasion entrap some weakminded treat on which to sup.  But you knew our tricks and were wise to them, fleeing fairy promise and guarding yourselves with ancient cautions.  And we were bereft. Peat bogs and darkling woods were then our haunts; dank and miserable places.  Sparkling lights and laughing voices our bait, promise of might and riches our desperate ploy.  And we were cold, and…

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Charles’ Chance

Of all of the extraordinary and beautiful things in the world, none of them had ever happened to Charles Carlton. There was nothing wrong with Charles Carlton, unless it is wrong to never be right. His clothes were smart and never quite fit him, and though their hue and cut perfectly suited him, his own complexion was the wrong colour to suit them. The last time he had had a haircut that he liked was twenty-nine years ago, when his mother had last taken him to the barber. His eyes shone like small puddles, and his voice reminded others of…

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Blank Pages, Golden Sceptres – Presumption and Power in Art

Anyone who has ever tried to write has likely encountered “blank page syndrome”.  The fear, the paralysing uncertainty that accompanies setting that single and dreadful initial word on a page.  The first word is always the most time consuming, whether it’s a work email, a poem, a novel, or yes, even that noblest form of the written word – a blog post. There is a wealth of advice online and in self-help books concerning this phenomenon, and how to best it, ranging from the maddeningly simple – “Just write something, and the rest will follow” – to the still simple,…

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‘The work of the hands which thou hast made’

Of Aulë and Yavanna: Tolkien’s Odd Couple ‘Nonetheless they will have need of wood.’ With that brilliantly offhand one-liner, Aulë and Yavanna cemented their status in the minds of many Tolkien lovers as being Eä’s first and best odd couple.  He, a rash craftsman, master of forge and hammer, lover of stone and gem and that which is imperishable and unchanging.  She, a lover of beasts and plants, the bringer of growth and giver of sustenance, who cherishes all that sprouts and blooms and flowers, all that lives.   Given Tolkien’s interest in the themes of nature and industry, it might…

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More things in Heaven and Earth: On Faerie, the Unexplained, and the Unexplored of ‘The Hobbit’

As feats of worldbuilding go, it is hard to go past Tolkien’s Legendarium as the chief and foremost example of the craft. Even those who have a passing…

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