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Tag: Thorin

‘The mighty from their thrones’ – Aragorn before Meduseld

Something that’s long struck me as being worthy of investigation and consideration is the subtle and quiet character journey that Aragorn undergoes throughout The Lord of the Rings. It’s something I might dip into a few times this year, as (despite the not infrequent criticisms that he is a flat and uninteresting character in the books) I truly believe there is much of merit to be gleaned.  Aragorn may seldom serve as the point of view character, and is undeniably already fully realised as a hero when he meets the hobbits in Bree…yet he does have an arc, I think.…

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Triskaidekaphobia and fortune in ‘The Hobbit’

It’s been a moment between posts, alas, the end of the year’s always a hot mess for me and completely killed the momentum I was slowly building in posting – and I’ve been completely unmotivated to do anything extracurricular at all for quite a while, blog writing included. I did notice a little detail that can be covered relatively quickly, though, and figured that I might as well jot it down and that it might get the creative juices flowing again!  Namely, the detail of Bilbo being chosen (at least in part) to join Thorin’s Company to avoid their number…

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