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Tag: Tolkien

Announcing the September Series: Tolkien’s Lesser Tales

Last year, for the month of September, I did a little blog miniseries, focusing on The Hobbit and some of its less-appreciated themes and aspects.  And, since I really enjoyed writing those posts, and having a theme to work towards…I decided to do it again this year! So, over the next few weeks, we’re going to be looking at three stories by Tolkien…stories which, actually, aren’t under-appreciated in the same way that The Hobbit is.  But they’re also stories that a lot of Tolkien fans might not pay much attention to, or even know about…and that’s a great shame, because…

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Durin VII, Reincarnation, and the Beautiful Dwarvish Long Defeat

I was flicking through the Appendices of LOTR the other day, on an unrelated mission, when something really curious caught my eye in the Dwarvish genealogy tree.  It’s a really small detail, almost insignificant – but the more I thought about it, the more it intrigued me, and the more intrigued I became, the more I realised that it’s actually a whole lot of details all packaged up in a single detail. Namely, Durin VII.  When was he born?  When did he reign?  And, perhaps most pressingly, how did he obtain that epithet? From the perspective of Tolkien as author,…

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“I (don’t) see you” – Why couldn’t Sauron find the Ring?

I seem to be making a habit of discussing Ring-lore on this blog, which is wholly unintentional – but I came across a brief passage that intrigued me, that I’ve never properly noticed before, and that is entirely relevant to yet another misconception (exaggerated by the films) concerning the Ring. It’s a relatively typical line of fan inquiry to ask why Sauron never ‘spotted’ Gollum or Bilbo while they wore the Ring, or why Frodo himself is only truly seen right at the end of his quest, when he claims the Ring for himself at the Crack of Doom. A…

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Generous deed and cold counsel: Gandalf’s humility in Gondor

Following quite a few recent posts about arrogance and pride, it seems like it’s about time to turn to humility and something more positive! I’ve been rereading Book V of LOTR recently, and was struck by Gandalf’s remark to Pippin following the hobbit impulsively swearing fealty to Denethor. ‘I do not know what put it into your head, or your heart, to do that. But it was well done. I did not hinder it, for generous deed should not be checked by cold counsel. It touched his heart, as well (may I say it) as pleasing his humour. And at…

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Blank Pages, Golden Sceptres – Presumption and Power in Art

Anyone who has ever tried to write has likely encountered “blank page syndrome”.  The fear, the paralysing uncertainty that accompanies setting that single and dreadful initial word on a page.  The first word is always the most time consuming, whether it’s a work email, a poem, a novel, or yes, even that noblest form of the written word – a blog post. There is a wealth of advice online and in self-help books concerning this phenomenon, and how to best it, ranging from the maddeningly simple – “Just write something, and the rest will follow” – to the still simple,…

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