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The Library of Mazarbul

This page is a work in progress, cataloguing the various books, films, websites, and other such oddities that I love and would whole-heartedly recommend. In the cases when I have written a blog post dedicated to one of these works, I’ve also included a link to make it easy to read further.

This resource is not an archive of discussions – that would be better found under, well, the Archive. Rather, it’s a showcase of things that I do truly love and think are entirely worthwhile, whether or not they are perfect.


Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen

Father Brown, by G.K. Chesterton

Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke

The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper

Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle

My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell

The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis

The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

On Fairy Stories, by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Probably just about anything by J.R.R. Tolkien

Film and TV


Arrested Development


Hail, Caesar!

Hot Fuzz

The Into/Across/Beyond the Spider-Verse trilogy (Lord I hope Beyond sticks the landing)

Knives Out

Licence to Kill

Return of the Jedi

The Rise/Dawn/War of the Planet of the Apes trilogy




The Nice Guys

The Prestige

Yes Minister

Around the Web

A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry

Alas, not me

A Pilgrim in Narnia

Tea with Tolkien

The Flame Imperishable

The Lore Master: Blog Tolkien Indonesia

The Order of the Stick

The Sojourning Dunns

The Tolkien Professor

Thoughts on Tolkien

Wisdom from The Lord of the Rings